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Cool game. I found the car steal it and bring it to the house. Rewards 1000 gold. Two hits from police stops my next raid. Well done! 

Are you on Discord o139?

thanks! no i dont have discord

Any possibility to talk with you outside this comments?

not really :P you can ask me here if you like

(1 edit)

I give it a try.

The cars drive fullspeed? There a no cars standing around? Is there a key to press entering a car?

e makes a beep

space is jump

mouseroll is zoom in zoom out. 

To leave the game i must kill the programm 

What to do?

thanks for playing!

alt-f4 closes the game

there is one hovercar that is standing around in the game..its not so hard to find.

Ah ok. I give it a try tomorrow.

is there a way 2 get access 2 your code?

Fun game!

hi andgameplay and thanks!

game looks great, the jump is kinda weird, I couldn't find any hover cars, and not sure where my base was anyways, thanks for sharing.

(2 edits)

thanks! the base is the  other colored house you see in the begining of the game..

you need to search better for the hover car :)

search better! rofl, I don't even know what it looks like...

its not so hard to find.. :)